HMH Operators Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By HMH Operators
Map of Wells Operated by HMH Operators
Contact Information
Company Name:

401 W. TEXAS AVE #407

Leases Operated by HMH Operators

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
08-062310 FRANCES KERR UNIT Reeves County
08-10661 SWEATT, F. M. Mitchell County
08-12952 BROWN, E. H. Mitchell County
08-23759 BADE,SARA,ESTATE Sterling County
08-23868 BURT Mitchell County
08-24027 KEEL, PRUITT -A- Mitchell County
08-24130 FOSTER, ROSS "C" Sterling County
08-24392 HENDRIX, F.P. Mitchell County
7B-017531 MITTEL, E. E. Coleman County
7B-17183 HAGLER, E.E. Jones County
7B-17598 DIXON Fisher County
7B-20095 LAWLIS Fisher County
7C-04980 HARRIS, MASSIE Runnels County
7C-05076 HARRIS, MASSIE -A- Runnels County
7C-06018 HARRIS, MASSIE Runnels County
8A-61183 BARBER Mitchell County
8A-61198 BARBER -A- Mitchell County
8A-61405 BARBER -C- Mitchell County
8A-63654 REAM Hockley County
8A-64020 FITZGERALD Yoakum County

Drilling Permits Filed by HMH Operators