So Operating Company Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By So Operating Company
Map of Wells Operated by So Operating Company
Contact Information
Company Name:

P O BOX 991
CISCO, TX 76437


Leases Operated by So Operating Company

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
7B-01525 DUNCAN, R. O. "B" Eastland County
7B-053160 MOORE, BEN H. Brown County
7B-082394 DANIELS Eastland County
7B-088214 ROGERS Comanche County
7B-088819 MCGINNIS Eastland County
7B-089256 WARE, D. E. Brown County
7B-089838 SOUTHERN STAR Brown County
7B-090381 WILLETT Brown County
7B-09383 HENDRICK, T. G., TRACT 5 Throckmorton County
7B-096244 HIGHLAND RANCH Erath County
7B-101309 HARLOW,PAUL Eastland County
7B-103796 HENDRICK, T. G. TRACT 5 Throckmorton County
7B-104575 CARR, J. C. Eastland County
7B-105184 VAN ZANDT EAST Eastland County
7B-105780 HENDRICK, T.G. TRACT 5 Throckmorton County
7B-106274 GERHARDT "A" Eastland County
7B-106525 BUTLER Shackelford County
7B-106718 WUENSCHE Eastland County
7B-106815 HENDRICK, T.G. TRACT 5 Throckmorton County
7B-107456 RHODES Eastland County
7B-108110 NEWBURY, J. L. ESTATE Brown County
7B-108197 VAN ZANDT EAST Eastland County
7B-108912 VAN ZANDT EAST Eastland County
7B-110701 HENDRICK, T. G. TRACT 5 Throckmorton County
7B-110898 RHODES-SOUTH Eastland County
7B-116922 HENDRICK "A" Throckmorton County
7B-118201 CARR,J.C. Eastland County
7B-118789 ALEXANDER Eastland County
7B-118816 HENDRICK "A" Throckmorton County
7B-119078 TUCKER Eastland County
7B-119212 TUCKER Eastland County
7B-119213 TUCKER Eastland County
7B-119684 GAGE Eastland County
7B-119685 GAGE Eastland County
7B-119686 GAGE Eastland County
7B-121385 SCHAEFER "A" Eastland County
7B-121688 WHITE, LARRY Comanche County
7B-122267 SNEED, ERNEST "D" Eastland County
7B-122268 SNEED, ERNEST "D" Eastland County
7B-122538 CARR,J.C. 499 Eastland County
7B-12758 RANKIN Comanche County
7B-130847 HARLOW, PAUL Eastland County
7B-130848 CLARK Eastland County
7B-13182 TUCKER Eastland County
7B-13183 GAGE Eastland County
7B-13647 WUENSCH Eastland County
7B-13711 CHAMBERS, DEWEY Eastland County
7B-138035 GILBERT Eastland County
7B-13821 MCGINNIS "1-A" Eastland County
7B-138522 NALL, P. Stephens County
7B-138545 CARR, J. C. Eastland County
7B-14008 BRAWNER Eastland County
7B-143342 CARR, J. C. 499 Eastland County
7B-14413 WILSON, CLAYTON Eastland County
7B-14988 GRAY Eastland County
7B-151112 WEISER Eastland County
7B-152589 CITY OF CISCO Eastland County
7B-15835 HOWELL-CURRY Eastland County
7B-15892 ENGLISH, W.L. "A" Shackelford County
7B-16458 CLARK Eastland County
7B-17363 MCGAHA LEASE Eastland County
7B-175619 MCGINNIS "1-A" Eastland County
7B-19088 WHITE/DANIELS Eastland County
7B-19102 CASH-DAY Eastland County
7B-19186 FORD "A" Eastland County
7B-19203 ALEXANDER Eastland County
7B-19400 NALL, P. Stephens County
7B-19446 FORD "C" Eastland County
7B-19688 POWELL Eastland County
7B-19916 POWELL, R. C. Eastland County
7B-19943 FORD -B- Eastland County
7B-20117 ENGLISH, MARGIE Shackelford County
7B-20227 CITY OF CISCO Eastland County
7B-20400 FORD Eastland County
7B-22079 POWELL "B" Eastland County
7B-22259 SCHAEFER Eastland County
7B-23355 HARLOW, PAUL Eastland County
7B-23775 GILBERT Eastland County
7B-24723 VAN ZANDT EAST Eastland County
7B-25607 SCHAEFER A Eastland County

Drilling Permits Filed by So Operating Company