Tecpetrol Operating LLC Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By Tecpetrol Operating LLC
Map of Wells Operated by Tecpetrol Operating LLC
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Leases Operated by Tecpetrol Operating LLC

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
02-209155 KARNEI, ELLROY UNIT Goliad County
02-209157 KARNEI, ELLROY UNIT Goliad County
02-212578 KARNEI, ELLROY UNIT Goliad County
02-215100 ELLROY KARNEI UNIT Goliad County
02-215566 ELLROY KARNEI UNIT Goliad County
02-218199 LUDE Goliad County
03-224048 CORNELIUS, L. Matagorda County
03-224599 CORNELIUS, L. Matagorda County
03-225322 CORNELIUS, L. Matagorda County
03-226260 CORNELIUS, L. Matagorda County
03-227953 CORNELIUS, L. Matagorda County
03-242041 CORNELIUS, L. Matagorda County
03-242449 CORNELIUS, L. Matagorda County
03-242510 CORNELIUS, L. Matagorda County
03-24381 CORNELIUS, L. Matagorda County
03-24986 SAVAGE Matagorda County
03-251911 CORNELIUS, L. Matagorda County
03-25644 SAVAGE Matagorda County
03-260155 SAVAGE Matagorda County
03-263781 L. CORNELIUS Matagorda County
04-088119 WRIGHT, W. P. Brooks County
04-099361 SULLIVAN, D. J. Brooks County
04-102292 SULLIVAN, D. J. Brooks County
04-107941 MAGUIRE-SULLIVAN Brooks County
04-110511 SULLIVAN DEEP UNIT Brooks County
04-163979 SULLIVAN DEEP "A" Brooks County
04-168028 SULLIVAN DEEP "A" Brooks County
04-169656 PEREZ-ALANIZ DEEP "A" Brooks County
04-170047 SULLIVAN DEEP Brooks County
04-170111 SULLIVAN DEEP "AA" Brooks County
04-170941 SULLIVAN DEEP "AA" Brooks County
04-172484 SULLIVAN DEEP "CC" Brooks County
04-172861 SULLIVAN DEEP "AA" Brooks County
04-172911 PEREZ-ALANIZ DEEP Brooks County
04-175725 PEREZ-ALANIZ DEEP "B" Brooks County
04-177958 PEREZ-ALANIZ DEEP Brooks County
04-179054 SULLIVAN DEEP "C" Brooks County
04-180802 SULLIVAN DEEP "AA" Brooks County
04-181147 PEREZ-ALANIZ DEEP Brooks County
04-182656 SULLIVAN, DAN Brooks County
04-185945 SULLIVAN DEEP Brooks County
04-186306 SULLIVAN, D. J. Brooks County
04-186372 SULLIVAN DEEP "D" Brooks County
04-189931 SULLIVAN DEEP C GAS UNIT Brooks County
04-190347 CHAMBERLAIN DEEP 'A' Brooks County
04-194495 RUPP Brooks County
04-195022 SULLIVAN DEEP "E" Brooks County
04-197703 RUPP DEEP 'D' Brooks County
04-203007 MAGUIRE OIL DEEP Kenedy County
04-210408 DICKERSON UNIT Hidalgo County
04-211622 DICKERSON UNIT Hidalgo County
04-212161 SULLIVAN DEEP "D" Brooks County
04-212469 SULLIVAN "H" Brooks County
04-213629 SULLIVAN Brooks County
04-216384 WRIGHT Brooks County
04-220949 DICKERSON UNIT 2 Hidalgo County
04-221504 SULLIVAN DEEP "F" Brooks County
04-223393 SULLIVAN DEEP "C" Brooks County
04-224717 SULLIVAN IV Brooks County
04-241261 SULLIVAN Brooks County
04-245715 SULLIVAN Brooks County
04-245798 SULLIVAN DEEP A Brooks County
04-247056 SULLIVAN Brooks County
04-259114 SULLIVAN DEEP Brooks County
04-259637 PEREZ-ALANIZ DEEP Brooks County
04-260170 SULLIVAN DEEP "C" GAS UNIT NO. 1 Brooks County
04-260339 SULLIVAN Brooks County
04-262015 SULLIVAN DEEP "C" GAS UNIT NO. 1 Brooks County
04-262504 SULLIVAN DEEP Brooks County
04-263124 SULLIVAN DEEP "C" GAS UNIT NO. 1 Brooks County
04-264343 SULLIVAN DEEP "A" Brooks County
04-264775 SULLIVAN DEEP Brooks County
04-265591 SULLIVAN DEEP "C" GAS UNIT NO. 1 Brooks County
04-266991 PEREZ-ALANIZ DEEP Brooks County
04-268938 SULLIVAN DEEP 'C' GAS UNIT NO. 1 Brooks County
04-269018 SULLIVAN DEEP "C" GAS UNIT NO. 1 Brooks County
04-269609 MCGILL, KATY Brooks County
04-270145 CHAMBERLAIN DEEP 'A' GU Brooks County
04-272696 PEREZ-ALANIZ DEEP Brooks County

Drilling Permits Filed by Tecpetrol Operating LLC