Hartoil Corporation Oil Wells and Leases

Wells Operated By Hartoil Corporation
Map of Wells Operated by Hartoil Corporation
Contact Information
Company Name:

BOX 623
POST, TX 79356

Leases Operated by Hartoil Corporation

Lease No.
Lease Name
Current Operator
Operation Range
Oil Prod
Gas Prod
08-04431 HEWITT -A- Howard County
08-04432 HEWITT -B- Howard County
08-04453 BATES, MAGGIE Howard County
08-04457 WILKINSON, H. H. -A- Howard County
08-04461 BARNETT -A- Howard County
08-08457 VELMA Howard County
08-08501 HEWITT -C- Howard County
08-08721 PATTERSON, L. S. Howard County
08-08870 PATTERSON-DUNCAN Howard County
08-09100 PATTERSON MOC Howard County
08-09269 PATTERSON -C- Howard County
08-09293 CHERRY, E. F. Howard County
08-09380 PATTERSON -B- Howard County
08-09437 PATTERSON MOC -B- Howard County
08-09453 CHERRY, EDGAR F. -A- Howard County
08-09774 BARNETT-CONNALLY Howard County
08-09775 PATTERSON -D- Howard County
08-09823 DORSEY, GRADY Howard County
08-10008 BARNETT-CONNALLY -B- Howard County
08-10412 BARNETT P-S Howard County
08-20544 WEST MOORE UNIT Howard County
08-23730 GUITAR -16- Howard County
08-27757 CREIGHTON, C. W. -B- Howard County
08-27900 STALLINGS, LUAN Howard County
08-27976 OLUFSEN -B- Howard County
08-28064 WILKINSON NO.2 Howard County
08-28239 CLARK, NORMA JEAN ET AL Howard County
08-28551 STALLINGS, LUAN -A- Howard County
08-28639 GASKINS, J.D. ET AL -A- Howard County
08-28723 HOMAN, EUNICE Howard County
08-28773 GUITAR -20- Howard County
08-28878 WILKINSON, H. H. -B- Howard County
08-28879 QUINN Howard County
08-28889 QUINN -A- Howard County
08-29058 TOMPKINS, AVANELL ET AL Howard County
08-29133 HOMAN, J.H. MRS. Howard County
08-29137 CHERRY, J.V."A" Howard County
08-29175 CHAPMAN, J.O. Howard County
08-29301 VAUGHN, DOYLE Howard County
08-29328 ONYX OIL & GAS QUINN -B- Howard County
08-29360 MAY, MARTHA -A- Howard County
08-29384 QUINN "D" Howard County
08-29455 WELSH, KATHERINE Howard County
08-29456 WRINKLE, WINSTON Howard County
08-29471 BATES "A" Howard County
08-30060 CITY OF BIG SPRING 10-B Howard County
08-30063 WILKINSON NO. 2-A Howard County
08-30178 WILKINSON, H.H. -D- Howard County
08-30206 WILKINSON -A- Howard County
08-30229 GUITAR-VAREL Howard County
08-30262 QUINN -G- Howard County
08-30266 GUITAR -A- Howard County
08-30320 QUINN -H- Howard County
08-30341 SNYDER Howard County
08-30368 OLUFSEN EOC Howard County
08-30369 ROSSER Howard County
08-30487 GILBERT Howard County
08-30488 MATTHIES Howard County
08-30505 CLANTON -A- Howard County
08-30507 LEAFFER -A- Howard County
08-30527 PLAYA "B" Howard County
08-30528 GUITAR TRUST ESTATE -A- Howard County
08-30530 GUITAR "B" Howard County
08-30535 QUINN "EE" Howard County
08-30544 OLUFSEN -A- Howard County
08-30552 GUITAR 2 Howard County
08-31067 QUINN -HH- Howard County
08-31132 SAUNDERS Howard County
08-31420 SAUNDERS -A- Howard County
08-31707 NEVILL Howard County
08-31903 SAUNDERS -B- Howard County
7C-09719 EUBANKS, ELMA LEE Runnels County
8A-14135 BIRD, CHARLES A. Garza County
8A-17031 TURLEY Garza County
8A-61718 FULLER, P. L. "A" Scurry County
8A-62613 CARY Scurry County
8A-63462 STERLING "A" Scurry County
8A-63892 BIRD, C. A. "B" Garza County
8A-64406 BUCHANAN, ADA "A" Garza County
8A-65385 BIRD "E" Garza County

Drilling Permits Filed by Hartoil Corporation